How do I make a donation?

Credit card donations to support the family’s resettlement can be made via our administrative partner, the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), at a dedicated “giving registry“. Our registry is called “Lake Front Refugee Project”. MCC is a recognized “sponsorship agreement holder“, operating in a secular capacity, with experience and resources to support refugee resettlement in Canada.


Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes. Donations to MCC are tax-deductible in both Canada and the United States. U.S. donors please be sure to click “Change to USD” during the donation process.


Do you accept donations from outside Canada?

Yes. We are grateful for support from anywhere in the world. Donors wishing to receive a U.S. tax receipt, or to make a contribution in U.S. dollars instead of Canadian dollars, should click on “Change to USD” during the donation process.


How much are you trying to raise?

We aim to raise $122,520 Canadian in support of this family, a goal that is based upon federal estimates for start-up costs and one year’s living expenses in Toronto for a family of ten people.


How will my funds be spent?

All funds raised will be spent on the family’s basic resettlement and living expenses. Before the family arrives in Canada, your donation will help to cover start-up costs such as furniture, household goods, winter clothing and school supplies. After the family is established in their home, your funds will contribute to basic expenses such as rent, food, transport, medical and educational fees. Our funding goals are sufficient to cover a modest standard of living in Toronto.


How long does the family receive financial support from sponsors?

Private sponsors of refugees are required under the program to provide financial support for the first year.

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